Zebra print shirt dress, snakeskin heels & dark blue blazer

How to wear a zebra print shirt dress

Happy Wednesday and hope y’all enjoying the spring weather. On my random shopping trip, I stumbled upon this zebra stripe shirt dress which I immediately knew it was going home with me as I wasn’t ready to be haunted by it, if I didn’t buy it. The zebra stripes add that extra bit of oomph to the dress. 

A dress shirt is über versatile, comfortable and figure flattering. They can be worn to the office, picnic or for a lunch date. I wore the printed shirt dress with a snakeskin heels, a simple necklace and a dark blue blazer for a minimal chic look. The zebra print shirt dress features collar with front button placket, a matching tie belt at the waist, three-quarter sleeves with single button cuffs and an above the knee hemline.

snake-print-with-animal-print,savvy style maven, white embellished shirt dress, striped shirt dress, metallic strappy sandal, River Island yellow floral embroidered coat, Emilia Wickstead piano print shirt dress, unbuttoned dress shirt

Celebrities take on shirt dresses 

Rira Ora paired her white embellished shirt dress with a matching jacket and white & metallic strappy sandals. Taylor Swift wore a red & blue striped shirt dress with black tights, brown heeled shoes, brown skinny belt and black leather bag for a day look. Lauren pope paired her white shirt dress with a statement necklace from Topshop, nude strappy sandals from Zara and River Island yellow floral embroidered coat. Danielle Lineker wore an Emilia Wickstead piano print shirt dress from the brand SS14 which she wore with colour pop orange suede pumps and pink lipstick for a night out outfit.


How to style a shirt dress:

 A shirt dress can be dressed down by pairing it with flat shoes or dressed up by wearing high heels. They’re also perfect for layering with blazers, biker jackets or denim jackets. Since some shirt dresses can be quite shapeless it’s best to wear them with a belt that will cinch the waist. Don’t shy away from accessorising your dress. A shirt dress can be turned into a jacket by wearing an unbuttoned dress shirt over a dress or skirt with a blouse.


What I wore: zebra stripe shirt dress: Miss Selfridge, snakeskin ankle strap heels: thrift-ed, navy blue blazer: Jane Norman

Do you own a shirt dress? What are your best tips for how to style shirt dresses?

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